A TAXI firm which left a blind pensioner stranded in the rain when it refused to carry her guide dog has been stripped of its licence.

However, Four Star Taxis, Lonsdale Street, Nelson, will still be able to operate for at least another three weeks while its appeal is heard.

And despite the action, Kitsar Iqbal, of Four Star Taxis, has insisted the firm would not be changing its policy over guide dogs.

Coun Marjorie Adams, chairman of Pendle Council's taxi licensing committee, said the decision had been taken to reassure residents.

She added: "Following a complaint about a Four Star driver refusing to carry a guide dog, the decision has been made to revoke Four Star's operator's licence.

"This decision has not been taken lightly, especially given the busy time of year, but this outcome reflects the seriousness in which we view the allegations.

"Pendle Taxi Association is concerned about the effect this incident may have had on its image and it is hoped that this decision provides reassurance to people."

A Four Star driver refused to pick up Brenda Midgeley, 66, and her guide dog, Lucy, from the Carters' and Motormen's Club, Nelson, nearly two weeks ago.

Mrs Midgeley, of Bedfordshire Avenue, Burnley, had been organising a Christmas party for people with sight difficulties at the club when she called the taxi.

Mrs Midgeley, who only has residual vision after losing her sight 16 years ago, said the driver refused to allow her to travel because Lucy, seven, would get hairs on the seats.

She claimed the driver then radioed the cab office who told the driver to refuse the fare.

After the incident Mr Iqbal said Mrs Midgeley should have informed them she had a guide dog so managers could have sent an older car.

The order was served on Friday and Four Star now has 21 days to appeal.

Following that process, the firm would also be allowed to operate until an appeal was heard by a magistrates' court.

Mr Iqbal said the company had not changed its policy about carrying guide dogs.

He said: "We are going to take them to court and I have been to see my solicitor already.

"We have 21 days to appeal and the solicitor has appealed on my behalf.

"We have not changed our policy."