AN increasing number of policemen have been spotted on the streets of Accrington in the run up to Christmas - but the officers are revellers in fancy dress rather than members of the law.

Sales figures from partywear manufacturer Smiffy's show that men are favouring the cut of a smart police uniform when stepping out in fancy dress, while women are favouring the company's skimpy convict outfits.

John Eastham, co-owner of Accrington's June's Accessories, which sells the range, explained: "We get lots of partygoers coming in asking for similar outfits.

"Policemen and convicts are very popular - the policemen outfits tend to draw a lot of attention from the ladies who love a man in uniform."

Mr Eastham, whose shop is in the Victoria Arcade added: "It costs almost the same to buy an outfit as it is to hire one, so if it survives the night then it can be cleaned and worn again."