RAMSBOTTOM'S MP has unveiled the town's first official commemorative plaque.

David Chaytor MP was joined by town councillors and residents to officially mark the plaque put up by Ramsbottom Heritage Society outside Roger Greenlees Jewellers, Bolton Street.

The plaque commemorates Dr Peter McDouall who was a Chartist, and who lived and worked as a doctor in Ramsbottom in the premises now used by the family-owned jewellers.

In 1842 McDouall reported to a Commons select committee about poor practices in the payment of wages to cotton workers in Ramsbottom and other parts of Lancashire.

He supported a General Strike and insurrection in the struggle for reform and rights for working people and subsequently spent three years in prison for his Chartist activities.

Kate Slingsby, from Ramsbottom Heritage Society, said of the ceremony: "The event went really well.

"We provided a small exhibition afterwards in the civic hall, and we were happy to welcome a current Chartist member as well as Mr Chaytor and councillors.

"The society would also like to thank the firm Richards and Richards who kindly donated their services to put up the plaque."

Couns Barry Theckston, Diana Ashworth and Dorothy Gunther represented Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Area Board, which donated money to fund the plaque.

Details of the heritage society can be found at www.ramsbottomheritage.co.uk or call the chairman on 01706 827245.