MORE than 100 motorists were caught speeding outside a school - with some going twice the speed limit at 60mph.

And bosses of Stubbins Primary in Bolton Road North are hoping that the news will finally spur the county council into installing traffic calming measures.

Following a request from Eden ward councillor Darryl Smith, a speed enforcement officer agreed to monitor vehicles using the stretch of road.

On the first session, PC Eric Marshall recorded 101 cars going over the 30mph limit, most of which led to prosecutions. Some were recorded doing over 60mph.

The stretch of road has now been designated a site of community concern, and the speed camera will be in situ on a weekly basis.

Coun Smith said: "I knew that speeding was common on the road, but I was surprised at just how many were recorded.

"It shows that something needs to be done, children are being put at risk daily.

"Earlier this year a speeding car careered out of control and smashed into the school gates only minutes before home time.

"It was a miracle nobody was hurt, but we need to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Following a meeting between the school headteacher Patricia Braddock, chair of governors Philip Dunne, representatives from county council's highways department and Coun Smith, the county council has agreed to consider a series of proposals by the school to improve safety.

Miss Braddock said: "We have asked for bollards to be put up on the tarmac outside the school to stop people parking there, and also to have double yellow lines on the opposite side.

"Improved signage is needed on both directions of the road to remind drivers that there's a school here, and that it's a 30mph zone.

"It's very good news that we have a speed camera being used, and speeding motorists are getting tickets, because slowing down the traffic is our main priority.

"We know from parent feedback that it's a worry for them, and in the new year we will be working on a travel plan with them to see what we can do to make things safer."