POLICE have slammed youngsters' latest craze of throwing sticks and rocks at cars.

And officers have urged parents to take more responsibility in knowing where in Nelson their children are at night.

Over the past two weeks in the Marsden Hall Road, Walton Lane and Hallam Road areas, youngsters have been responsible for damage to at least eight cars.

Bodywork has been scratched and windows have been damaged by the youths.

It is believed they have been throwing the missiles from Marsden Park.

Patrols have been stepped up around the area, with a CCTV van and plain-clothes patrols deployed to try to catch those responsible.

Community beat manager for Marsden, PC Mark Buckley, said parents also had to take responsibility for stopping the attacks and controlling their children.

He said: "I'd like to see local parents speaking to their children about this damage and making sure they know where their children are at night and what they are up to.

"I'd also like them to be aware of the consequences of causing damage - which can range from a fine right up to imprisonment depending on the age of the offender and the extent of the damage.

"Crime is extremely low across Pendle but criminal damage in particular has decreased significantly over the past nine months or so.

"That is why is we are so concerned about this spate of damage.

"I really don't think these young people appreciate the damage being caused to these vehicles and how much it costs to put even the smallest dents and scratches right - never mind larger areas of damage or broken windows."

Anyone with any information about who is responsible for the spate of damage is urged to contact local PC Mark Buckley on 07984 316822 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.