BURNLEY'S Labour leader does not expect to wrestle control of the council back from the Liberal Democrats, despite the expected sackings of two councillors.

Labour and the Liberal Democrats each now have 15 councillors in the chamber, but the Lib Dems hold sway because of their coalition with the Conservatives who have five seats.

Before corrupt councillors Mozaquir Ali and Manzur Hussain were jailed for 18 months each for vote rigging last month the Liberal Democrats boasted a one seat lead over Labour with 17 members.

Both Hussain and Ali are sitting as independents after being suspended from the Liberal Democrats.

Hussain has lodged an appeal and will remain in his seat until the outcome of that legal process, but Ali will be automatically disqualified for failing to appeal.

Labour would have again taken on the role of the largest party with a one-seat advantage had it not been for the death of Brunshaw ward councillor Donald Hall at the weekend.

The party lost control of the council in May for the first time in 30 years following a disastrous election which saw them lose five seats.

Coun Andy Tatchell, Labour leader, said: "The change in the number of seats does not make a lot of difference on a practical level because the Liberal Democrats have the Tories as part of their alliance and unless we get five more seats we can not really challenge that.

"The only other party with enough seats is the BNP and we will not work with them."

The make up of the council is now 15 Liberal Democrat, 15 Labour, five Conservative, seven British National Party and two Independent.