A FIRM with a large mix of nationalities is doing its bit for racial harmony - with all the staff celebrating both Christmas and Eid.

Netmovers, of Bridge Street, Church, employs 35 people from countries including India, Bengal, Pakistan and England.

Staff are mainly Christian and Muslim, and the internet property firm encourages all of them to take part in all the religions' major festivals.

Halal food is served at Christmas parties, and there are party games and a choice of alcoholic or soft drinks.

The company said it was important to celebrate, in contrast to the attitude of some areas like Burnley, which the Lancashire Telegraph reported has no Christmas tree in its shopping centre this year.

Gordon McCallum, sales director, said: "We have a large party on Thursday, everyone is going and there will be a big Halal buffet as well as turkey so everyone can enjoy themselves.

"We play traditional games like pass the parcel and musical chairs and we have all the Christmas decorations up.

"We have every type of character here, Asian, Indian, Bengali, English.

"When we have the festivities for Eid, when people are fasting, everybody is encouraged to support them.

"You hear about negativity in places. It's a real contrast here."

Staff at Netmovers are all encouraged to become involved in the celebration of Christmas and Eid - set to be celebrated on December 30 or 31.

But according to Mr McCallum they need no encouragement, and all are happy to bring some festive cheer to work.

He said: "We don't look at people by their faith.

"We have a laugh and get on with each other, and we have people here in traditional dress."

Netmovers was founded in Burnley but moved recently to Church.

The company specialises in helping to sell property on the internet, charging a one-off fee to advertise a property rather than taking a percentage.