A NEIGHBOURHOOD watch scheme in Burnley is appealing to residents to join up to keep crime at bay Officers are asking homeowners to support the scheme in the Loweswater Crescent area, which was started recently.

There are more than 155,000 Neighbourhood Watch schemes across the UK, and dozens in Burnley, all aiming to prevent crime, reduce the fear of crime and improve quality of life.

Schemes are generally led by a volunteer co-ordinator whose job is to get people working together and make sure things get done. A committee also meets regularly to plan which problems to target and what action to take and to share information with local police.

Ightenhill with Whittlefield Community Beat Manager Dave Ward said: "While the police have a key role to play in tackling crime and disorder, it is in all our interests to work together to help prevent and detect crime and schemes like Neighbourhood Watch can be a great help.

"Fortunately crime is already very low in this particular ward so the primary aim of this new scheme will be to maintain these low crime levels and to reassure local residents that everything possible is being done by both the police and residents to look after the interests of the local community."

Anyone interested in finding out more about the new scheme can contact PC Ward on voicemail 01282 472950 or mobile 07984 316853.