A COUNCIL tax consultation is going high-tech as residents are asked to give their views via interactive gameshow-style hand-sets.

Taxpayers in Hyndburn are also being asked to surf the internet so that they can voice their views on what their money is spent on and how much they think they should pay each year.

As part of the consultation, a presentation on the budget will be given at a joint meeting of the area councils on Thursday, January 25.

The session will feature an interactive element where residents attending will be asked to give their views through "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" handsets.

The palm-sized devices, Presentavote, made by Black-burn company Promethean, are linked through infra-red technology to a power point display. Questions and multiple choice answers relating to the way in which council tax is spent will appear on the screen and residents must press the corresponding letter on the device to give their views.

Immediate feedback will then appear on the screen as the data is collated and analysed.

The system was introduced at area council meetings early this year as part of local government organ-isation East Lancashire e-Partnership's drive to get more residents involved in shaping the future of their communities.

The system can be made completely anonymous, giving constituents more confidence in sharing their real opinions.

Last years' exercise, carried out entirely on paper, attracted a record number of responses, but Hyndburn Council is looking to better this using the interactive devices and by making the survey available online at the council's website.

Residents are being asked to air their views before January 18 so that they can be taken into account in the budget process.

Survey forms can also be found at all council reception points, as well as local youth and community centres.

Portfolio holder for finance Coun Marlene Haworth said: "This is an opportunity for people in Hyndburn to have their say as part of the budget-setting process.

"We would like to see an even greater response than last year and are particularly interested in finding out why residents feel certain issues are important."

For more information visit www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk