MEMBERS of Darwen Lions are hoping to bring Christmas joy to sick and poor children in the town by playing Father Christmas.

And they want to hear from anyone who knows of a deserving child under the age of seven to whom they could donate a present.

They have a large collection of toys which have been donated by people and organisations in the town in the run-up to Christmas and now hope to distribute the gifts in the next few days.

Ian Ashton of the Lions said: "We try to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

"We want to distribute the presents this week so people need to get in touch as soon as possible.

"They must be really deserving families. It is them we want to reach.

"The presents this year are from baby age to about the age of seven.

"In previous years we have gone a little older but this year they are roughly for no older than about seven."

He can be contacted on 01254 703666 by anyone wishing to nominate a child or people wanting to find out about becoming a member.