A SHOPLIFTER who cost the taxpayer more than £15,000 in court costs was given a 12-month conditional discharge.

Russell Gibson, 47, who stole wine and toilet cleaner from Netto, was told by a judge he had no money, otherwise she would have asked him for the £15,000.

Gibson, of Edgar Street, Accrington, had denied theft and had elected to be tried before a jury. Burnley Crown Court heard he had previous convictions, including for theft and benefits fraud.

Judge Beverley Lunt slammed the defendant as a nuisance and said she was giving him a conditional discharge because she was not going to spend any more taxpayers' money on him.

The judge said Gibson had been convicted on overwhelming evidence and had cost the public money through stealing as well. She went on: "The trouble with shoplifters is we end up paying for them, as all prices go up."