AN 88-YEAR-OLD blind woman has relived the terrifying moment when a raider ransacked her bedroom while she lay in bed.

Lily Leah said she thought she was going to die when the intruder ripped back her bed covers and demanded money.

It is the third time in the last 18 months that the widow has been broken into at her home in Lion Street, Church.

Police said it was deplorable that anyone could target such a vulnerable victim, particularly in the run-up to Christmas.

Lily, who is registered blind but has slight vision, said she was lying in bed when her quilt suddenly disappeared and a man wearing a balaclava stood over her.

The brave pensioner said she screamed as he repeatedly shouted at her: "Where is it? Where is it? Where is your money?"

Lily said she was too scared to speak but finally managed to tell him she did not keep money in the house after being targeted by crooks twice before.

Fighting back tears, she said: "I never heard a thing until he was over the top of me. I was so scared I thought I was going to die. Or have a heart attack. I have never been so scared in my life. He just kept shouting at me so loud. Where is it? Where is it?' "I didn't even know what he meant. He said where's you're money?' I said it's in the bank. It was so scary. I could just make out his eyes, nose and mouth. When I screamed he ran off. I couldn't stop shaking."

Police said the raider broke in to the house by smashing the kitchen window.

After searching the downstairs rooms, switching on all the lights and losing the front curtains so no-one could see in he went upstairs.

They said he made his way into the bedroom and searched the frightened woman's dressing table and cupboards before waking her and threatening her.

The burglar left the property at about 3.40am on Saturday seemingly empty-handed.

Lily's daughter-in-law Janice, 58, who lives next door, said: "She ran to my back door. She had a white dressing gown on and she was as white as it was. "She was shaking like a leaf and couldn't get her breath for a long time to tell me what was wrong. I don't know who could do this to her."

This incident came just 10 months after Lily's house was ransacked while she was out and just 18 months after workmen' distracted her to steal £100.

Lily, who has lived in the house for more than 60 years, added: "I haven't ever done anything wrong to anybody. Why do they have to pick on me? I've not been able to sleep. I shot out of bed the other night when I heard a little noise and it was nothing. I can't stop trembling."

DS Mick Cross, of Accrington CID, said: "This was a terrifying experience for the elderly woman, although fortunately the burglar did not carry out any of his threats physically.

"Although there may have not been many people around at that time it is likely that some one in a near by property may have heard something."

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 01254 51212 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.