A SCHOOL celebrated its best ever GCSEs at a special awards event.

Students, staff and parents from Sir John Thursby Community College in Burnley celebrated the achievements of the year so far.

Those at the event heard how 2013 students achieved a 10 per cent increase on 2012 GCSE results and 10 students received eight or more A* to A grades.

Headteacher David Burton congratulated the students on achieving the best ever results and the biggest increase in the area.

Addressing the school, he said: “This has enabled all students to progress on to further education, apprenticeships or employment.

“Parents and students should be very proud of what the students have achieved.”

David Perry, from Thomas Whitham Sixth Form College, presented the GCSE certificates and the highest achieving students awards to Rachel Bolt and Josh Bilocerkowicz.

Director of education Bob Stott from Lancashire County Council presented a special award for Outstanding Achievement to Jade Farrar.

Head Boy Josh Bilocerkowicz and Head Girl Zainab Aslam gave the vote of thanks to Mr Perry for his speech and to Mr Burton and all the teachers for their support.

BET Trust Award for Outstanding Achievement went to Jade Farrar, Service to the School Award sponsored by Nelson and Colne College went to Joshua Bilocerkowicz, Zainab Aslam and Sundas Khalid, Outstanding Achievement Award went to Joshua Bilocerkowicz and Rachel Bolt and Five Year Gold Attendance to Bethany Beauchmap, Labeeba Malik, Aiden Stringer