SETTING a minimum price per unit for alcohol would save pubs, Blackburn with Darwen’s full council forum was told as it backed the idea.

Roe Lee councillor Phil Riley said it would cut the £68 million bill to health and other public services of excessive boozing and make going out to licensed premises a better option than home drinking.

He was backed by former landlord and Shadsworth with Whitebirk councillor Jim Shorrock.

The meeting on Thursday approved a Labour motion urging the government to introduce a 50 pence per unit minimum price despite Tory opposition.

Conservative Group leader Mike Lee said the plan would hit sensible drinker and called for the return of licensing hours instead.

Coun Riley said: “This plan would help pubs, which are closing in the borough and nationally, by ending the price differential between them and cheap retail outlets.

“It would cut down on pre-loading and people drinking at home.”

Coun Shorrock said: “As a former licensee, I know people drink larger measures at home than in the pub. This would help keep licensed premises open.

“Bringing back permitted hours would return us to the dark ages of people whizzing drinks down before closing time and hopping over the border for an extra pint.”