A FORMER panel beater student turned dancing pro is celebrating after leading a morris dance troupe to success.

Freelance freestyle dancer Joe Walmsley, 22, got the dancing bug after he decided to change his career path and took an instructor course at Sandersons Dance and Fitness Academy.

He then set himself up as a freelance dancer to work in schools and social clubs across the county.

And now as coach he has led Heywood Legionnares to first place at the regional TMDA (The Morris Dancing Association) championships in Blackpool.

Joe, from England Avenue in Blackburn, initially took up the sport at 17 as a compromise with his mum after she challenged him to take singing lessons when he was in his second year of study at Blackburn College.

At the time he was also working at Good As New car repairs in the town.

Joe, who also set up his own business JC Streetwise Studios in September, took up the offer of training the troupe of 17 four to 28-year-old women to learn the modern dance steps in April.

He said: “I jumped at the chance to train the girls for free because I thought it would be great experience.

“As well as performing traditional morris routines the judges wanted them to exhibit something different for the evening entertainment round.

“I showed them how to do popping, locking and house dance every week for about six months in the run up to the contest.

“I couldn’t believe it when they came away with first place in that category.

“Looking back five years ago I could never have imagined I would have left panel beating to become a professional dancer but wouldn’t change it for anything.”

Group principal Pam Page: “We wouldn’t have known where to start without him.

“He’s made such a massive commitment and helped put on such a great performance. He’s been a real credit and I hope to have him again next year.”