THIEVES smashed their way into a youth club in Colne and stole £3,000 of equipment.

Youngsters who decorated Waterside Youth Club themselves have been left ‘demoralised’ after having TVs, laptops, DJ equipment and CDs taken.

A spokeswoman for Newground, who lease the building from South Valley Children’s Action Group, a charity that run the youth group, said: “The young people decorated the base themselves, applied for funding for equipment they can use there.

“They have worked really hard over the last year to turn it into something fantastic.

“They now feel really demoralised and are left with just an empty shell.

“The thieves came through the back wall, it looked as though it had been kicked in.

“This was made of wood but has now been replaced with sheet metal.

“Thankfully, the building hadn’t been trashed, but the lack of equipment means that the young people can’t carry out their activities anymore.”

The space and equipment are used for access to employment and education opportunities and creating CVs necessary for the young people to apply for jobs.

The alarm alerted the security company, who called South Valley Children’s Action Group’s secretary Tammy Rogerson, who discovered the break-in.

DJ decks, an amp and a mixer, costing around £1,500, two laptops worth £800, a CD collection worth £300, and two TVs worth around £400 were snatched in the raid on Monday between 5pm and 9.15pm.

Sgt Shaun Pearson, of Pendle Police, said: “The thieves removed part of the rear wall, which is wooden, to gain entry.

“Once inside they carried out an untidy search of the premises.

“We would be very interested in hearing from anyone who heard or saw anything suspicious, and would urge them to call police on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.”