THE family of cancer battler Sam Shaw had a scare this week after the youngster suffered severe side effects from his immunotherapy treatment.

Hoddlesden four-year-old Sam is in Philadelphia receiving treatment after being diagnosed with neuroblastoma earlier this year.

The treatment has been paid for after £250,000 was raised through a major charity appeal this year.

Sam started the treatment, which could improve his survival chances by 20 per cent, last week.

But mum Christine said: “We have just been discharged from hospital.

“Sam has had a rotten four long days of 10-hour infusions on the antibody treatment with side effects including pain in his abdomen as well as nerve pain in his arms, legs and feet.

“He has had sickness, allergic reactions, fever, headaches, flu-like aches to name but a few side effects.

“He has been on a morphine infusion and a lot of other drugs to combat these effects and has been monitored closely throughout.

“We are hoping he will continue to improve now that part of the treatment is over.”