A RAWTENSTALL bouncer who 'lost control' and repeatedly punched a customer after throwing him out of a bar has been spared jail.

Mark Mather, 47, grabbed Frank Owen in an armlock, pushed him onto the ground and repeatedly stuck him while the victim was unable to defend himself.

Burnley Crown Court was told how Morrisons worker Mather claimed Mr Owen had been aggressive. The victim had to have three stitches and had been left with a scar under his eye after the violence.

The defendant, of Heywood, had admitted wounding on June 23. He received 12 months in prison, suspended for two years, with two years' supervision and 150 hours unpaid work. He must pay £750 compensation and £250 costs.

Stephen Parker, prosecuting, said Mr Owen, out at Zazu Bar, in Rawtenstall urinated in the yard. He was told to leave, apologised, but went back to the bar to try to find his group.

Mather grabbed him and took him out the bar. Mr Owen was not putting up any resistance, but was abusive to the defendant because of how he felt he was being treated. The victim had felt many blows. Mather claimed to police the victim had been aggressive but didn't remember hitting him.

Carolyn Smith, defending, said Mather was ashamed and admitted losing control. He had lost his door security badge. Sentencing, Recorder Suzanne Goddard, QC, said: “This offence was out of character”