A DISGRACED Liberal Democrat councillor's sacking has handed greater power to the Conservatives in Burnley's finely-balanced council chamber.

But both the Tories and the Lib Dems, who lead the council in a coalition, have said the situation would make no difference to the way the town was governed.

This week it was revealed that Mozaquir Ali, who is serving an 18-month sentence for vote rigging, had failed to appeal his conviction and was therefore to be sacked as a councillor for Daneshouse with Stoneyholme.

His departure means a by-election will have to be staged, but in the meantime the Liberal Democrats now have 15 seats on the council, one less than Labour, who lost control of Burnley for the first time ever in the May election this year.

However as the Liberal Democrats are in a coalition with the Conservatives, who have five seats, they still retain control of the council.

But now if the Conservatives pulled out of the coalition, the council would return to Labour control.

This has given the Conservative group greater power - and the Liberal Democrats could be set to lose another ally.

Ali's co-accused Manzur Hussain, who is also in jail for the vote-rigging plot, has been suspended from the Liberal Democrat group.

But, as we revealed yesterday, he will still hold his council seat until his appeal process is complete.

Liberal Democrat leader Councillor Gordon Birtwistle said he was not afraid "in the slightest" that Labour would launch a takeover bid.

He said: "I would not have thought they would court the Tories.

"Manzur and Mozaquir are no longer members of the Liberal Democrats.

"They have been suspended from the party - and we look forward to a by-election and the election in May.

"We are confident that we will increase our majority because the people of Burnley can see what a good job we have done for them."

Coun Peter Doyle, leader of the Conservative group, added: "Not a lot has changed in the situation on the council and I don't think the Labour group are looking to take power.

"We will have to see what happens in a by-election and in the full election in May."

Labour group leader Coun Andrew Tatchell was unavailable for comment.