FEARS of ‘prostitutes, drug users and drunks’ led to an application for bedsits in Accrington being rejected.

Plans lodged with Hyndburn Council could have seen the former Phoenix Works, in Blackburn Road, converted into managed bedsits for the homeless.

But the application was rejected by a planning committee yesterday afternoon.

Committee chair, Coun Harry Grayson, said: “It was rejected on a number of grounds, from various sources.”

Plumber and gas engineer Nisar Hussain, from Blackburn, submitted the plans and described a strict regime which would be set to help homeless people struggling with addiction get back on their feet.

But a petition containing 105 signatures calling for the application to be rejected was handed to the council, and 17 letters of objection were sent.

One said: “I am concerned primarily about an increase in theft and other petty crime in the area, presence of prostitutes, presence of drunks and drug users (and a) decrease in regular pedestrian activity as people avoid the area.”

Another said: “I would prefer the building (to) remain derelict than be converted into bedsits.”

Mr Hussain said: “People are concerned about homeless people causing problems, and I understand why they think that way.”