A HASLINGDEN filmmaker whose debut movie featured at the Cannes Film Festival has finished shooting the sequel.

Chris Greenwood, a photographer by day, has spent hours of his spare time creating the ‘cult comedy-horror’ Zombie Women of Satan 2.

He has enlisted the help of Mighty Boosh star Noel Fielding’s brother, Mike, and former Big Brother winner Pete Bennett.

The zombie flick has been made on a shoestring budget of £8,000, but Mr Greenwood said interest from horror fans had far outstripped the popularity of the original.

He said: “The first movie in the series was a massive worldwide success.

“It was distributed worldwide in 2009 and made a huge splash at the Cannes Film Festival where it got a lot of recognition — largely due to the sight of a dozen zombies on the beach promoting it.

“With this film I wanted to do something different. We’ve injected more comedy, created some unbelievable characters and hopefully it will be an even bigger success than the first film.”

Mr Greenwood, who studied media production in Sunderland, learnt his craft running the video department at car giant Nissan.

He filmed most of the scenes, which feature pyrotechnics, gunfights, car chases and dozens of zombie extras, in the north east with his co-producer, Warren Speed.

More than 15,000 fans of the film have signed up to a Facebook page, eagerly awating its release next year. Mr Greenwood, 28, said: “It’s fantastic to use my working skills to create this piece of cult horror and everywhere I go people ask me about the movie.

“I’ve even heard that groups of people in the USA are having themed Halloween parties based on some of the characters in the first movie.

“We plan to head to Cannes again next May and storm the beach with an even bigger zombie women invasion!”