A FILM inspired by the mother of Sophie Lancaster's campaign to tackle prejudice is set to be released next year.

The 30-minute movie, As She Cried, is currently being shot by Rochdale-based Leaky Shed Productions.

Sophie, 20, from Haslingden, was attacked for dressing in gothic clothes in Stubbylee Park, Bacup, in August 2007.

Writer and director John Farrington said the film would not be a reconstruction of what happened to Sophie, but that is was greatly influenced by the work done by her mother, Sylvia, in tackling hate crime.

Mr Farrington, who met Sylvia through his peace-promoting organisation Human First, said: “Sylvia has been to speak at our events in the past and, as we had a few quid left in our budget, we decided to shoot a film.

“We put the first advert on the Sophie Lancaster Foundation’s Facebook page and the response we had was absolutely phenomenal.

“It wasn’t just kids and actors wanting to get involved, it was professionals wanting to offer their services; cameramen, technicians, lighting staff.”

Mr Farrington said he hoped the film would be completed for a premiere at Manchester’s Cornerhouse cinema next March or April.

While most roles have already been filled, further auditions will take place at Hotspur House in Gloucester Street, Manchester, from 7pm tomorrow.

Mr Farrington, 44, said the film, which will be shot in Rochdale, had Sylvia’s blessing and called her ‘an incredible woman’.

The storyline will centre around two teenage girls, one of whom commits suicide.

He said: “And She Cried will also be developed as a unique educational tool to support the remarkable efforts of Sylvia Lancaster in her very personal and moving plight to decrease the levels of hate crime.”