CEMETERIES across Burnley will become floral havens next spring after hundreds of bulbs will be planted by volunteers.

The Friends of Burnley Cemeteries have received a Green Partnership Award from Lancashire County Council to plant native spring bulbs and primroses in seven burial grounds across the borough.

Bluebells, snowdrops, wood anemones, wild daffodils and snakeshead fritillary will be enjoyed by visitors to Burnley cemetery, St John’s Road and Blackburn Road cemeteries and churchyards at All Saints Habergham Eaves, St Peter’s Burnley, Mereclough Chapel site and the burial ground and St. John the Divine churchyard Holme-in-Cliviger.

Wildlife will also benefit as the spring flowers will provide valuable nectar for insects. Planting sessions start on Saturday.

For more information visit the Friend’s web site at www.fbc.btck.co.uk or call Susan on 01282 423016.

The Green Partnership Awards is a partnership between Lancashire County Council, local councils and other organisations.