BLACKBURN’S £6million youth zone will host a footballing world record attempt later this month.

A total of 16 players will compete in a game of five-a-side football which bosses hope will last longer than 53 hours – the previous record.

Each player has been asked to raise £500 towards the running of the futuristic youth hub, which opened in 2012 and clocked up more than 3,200 members in its first year.

From 10am on Saturday, November 30, until at least 3pm on Monday, December 2, the teams will try to beat the previous record, set earlier this year in Ireland.

Blackburn Youth Zone events manager, Laura Jones, is confident the record can be broken by the participants.

She said: “The area is known for several recognised football clubs and their passionate supporters, so we are confident that many people will want to get involved and break a world record, whilst at the same time fundraise for the Zone.”

Each player will be given food and water, and will have access to a sports therapist and masseuse - as well as a world record title.

For every hour played, each player will accrue five minutes’ worth of rest. There must be 10 players on the pitch at all times, and FA rules must be followed.

The substitutes must remain by the pitchside at all times, except for comfort breaks of a maximum of five minutes.

Youth Zone ambassador and Blackburn Rovers star, David Dunn, endorsed the attempt at a launch event yesterday and said: “ The entire match will be refereed and videoed, before being sent off to Guinness to be scrutinised.

The record is currently held by Sodexo in Ireland in Dublin who played a 53-hour non-stop competitive game with a final score of 695 goals to 601 from 10am on Friday, June 21 to 3pm on Sunday, June 23 in aid of three Irish charities.