THE former clerk to Padiham Town Council has been charged with fraudulently abusing her position.

Elizabeth Bolton, 58, of Palace Gardens, off Padiham Road, Burnley, faces two charges relating to her position.

The first says that between January 2007 and December 2011 she committed fraud in that while occupying a position, clerk to Padiham Town Council, in which she was expected to safeguard the financial interests of the council, she dishonestly abused that position by paying herself a salary in excess of that to which she knew she was entitled.

The second charge is that between the same dates Bolton abused the same position by making unauthorised transfers of money from a charitable trust account to disguise shortfalls in a different account for which she was responsible.

Bolton did not attend when the case was listed before Blackburn magistrates and it was adjourned by prior arrangement with her solicitor until Monday, November 18.