GRAHAM Ardis made a wheely nice gesture when he donated tools to a friends group after they suffered a break-in.

As reported in the Lancashire Telegraph, the Friends of Darwen Cemetery had to call off its fortnightly working party two weeks ago after discovering a shed had been broken into and tools stolen.

Having read the article on the newspaper’s website, Mr Ardis, of The Sidings, Darwen, decided he could help out.

The insurance underwriter, who lives with his wife Jane and 10-year-old son George, an Avondale Primary School pupil, decided to donate his old wheelbarrow to the group.

He said: “I had this old wheelbarrow that I no longer needed and I had wanted to get rid of.

“I have some great grandparents in the cemetery and the friends group does a lot of good work up there, so I thought I could donate it.

“It was better that way than throwing it away, at least they could get some use out of it.

“I was disgusted by the mindless break-in at the lock up and I just wanted to give a small token to help out.

“It isn’t a massive gesture but they give up all their time up there so I thought it was the least I could do.

“I had an email conversation with the group chairman John East and I took it round at the weekend.

“They were very pleased to receive it.”

Mr East said: “Despite the break-in, Darwen residents always demonstrate a true community spirit and desire to combat the anti-social part of our community.

“Graham and George have given the friends a boost with this community spirited gesture, for which we are very grateful.”