FREE stays from 3pm on weekdays on all council-owned surface car parks will be offered from November 21 to attract shoppers to drive into the town centre.

This ‘Free from Three’ initiative follows the success of a similar move all day on Saturdays to boost footfall in the retail area.

The move, described as ‘fantastic’ by Chamber of Trade President Tony Duckworth, will cost the council £65,000 a year in lost fees and fines.

But council bosses think it will be worth it to boost trade and attract more businesses to open up empty shops.

To go with the move and ease motorists access to the town centre a major review of the one-way and traffic system will take place.

It aims to make it simpler and quicker for pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists to get into the main shopping area.

The first step will be opening up the pedestrianised area between Northgate and Sudell Cross to allow through traffic and provide additional on-street parking bays at a cost to the council of £200,000.

Borough regeneration boss Maureen Bateson said: “The imminent completion of the ring road around the town centre with the construction of the Freckleton Street section necessitates a review of pedestrian and vehicular access to the town centre itself.

“The council must ensure that the ring road does not act as a barrier to visitors access to the core attractions.

“Parking charges remain the most commonly cited reason why people do not visit the town centre more frequently.

“With all that is going on in the central area, this was the ideal time to look at these issues and make it easier for people to drive into Blackburn to shop and go out.”