A CONTROVERSIAL plan to turn a derelict mill into a homeless shelter looks set to be refused at a planning meeting on Wednesday.

The proposed scheme to make the disused Phoenix Works site in Accrington into a 54-bed complex has raised concerns over serious risks to health, parking issues and management.

The Lancashire Telegraph revealed in August the Blackburn Road plans had been lodged by plumber and Heat Masters owner Nisar Hussain.

Since then, 105 residents have signed a petition against the development while another 17 have written letters to Hyndburn Council.

Blackburn-based Mr Hussain said he hoped the development, which would include single bedrooms and shared living and dining spaces along with a secure office and reception area, would ‘help people off the streets’ and create 10 jobs.

However, a report that will be put before the planning committee, has revealed health risks due to the proximity of the development to a ‘toxic’ major hazard site, Blyth’s Chemical Works, were ‘sufficient’ enough to make the development unsafe.

Meanwhile, a lack of details was said to have been provided to the council regarding management, referrals and support mechanisms for the inhabitants.

Lancashire Highways also objected to the measures over worries regarding congestion and highway safety near the site.

Mr Hussain was yesterday unavailable for comment.