A NEW priest who has been licensed to oversee services at two Blackburn parishes has said her churches wish to “reach out to the wider community”.

A special service was held to welcome Reverend Catherine Elizabeth Brooks at St Luke’s and St Phillip’s in Bank Top.

Rev Brooks has now become the priest in charge of the parishes of Christ the King and St Aidan’s with St Francis.

The parishes include four churches – St Luke’s and St Phillip’s, St Mark’s on Buncer Lane, St Aidan’s in Mill Hill and St Francis.

Rev Brooks is widely experienced in Blackburn’s churches after serving as a curate at both St James’ in Shear Brow and St Stephen’s, Little Harwood for the past five years.

Prior to church training she worked in banking for HSBC as a business adviser in Blackburn and Accrington. She said: “I’m looking forward to working in the parishes and think it is very important for our churches and supporters to reach out and become involved with the community.”

The new Bishop of Blackburn, the Right Reverend Julian Henderson oversaw her licensing, which included a procession of the choir, church council, the Archdeacon and Bishop.