A ONCE-thriving pub that closed down more than two years ago looks set to be reopened in the future.

Brewery Thwaites put The Britannia in Bolton Road up for sale in summer 2011 after the Blackburn firm decided it was no longer viable for them.

But it was bought at auction earlier this year by nearby Italian restaurant owner Vass Vassiliou, who has now been given planning permission to renovate it ahead of reopening.

The Lancashire Telegraph understands Mr Vassiliou, who already owns Mangiamo in Bolton Road, intends to run the pub in conjunction with his existing business to provide somewhere for his customers to have a drink.

A design and access statement submitted to the council alongside the planning application said the object of the plans were ‘to renovate existing vacant pub by provision of enlarged kitchen, new toilets and new customer rear entrance.’

It said: “The existing public house closed down some months ago.

“The new owner proposes to revamp the interior and improve access to the building by providing a small extension at the rear of the building to create a new entrance off the existing car park.

“This will give disabled customers direct access from the car park into the pub.”

Sunnyhurst councillor Dave Smith said: “It is very good news the pub looks like it will be reopened.

“There are some tiles in there that are absolutely beautiful and it would be really nice if the new owner could keep them in place.”

“It is also nice to see a former pub being reopened as a pub once more and not being turned into some other kind of business.”

Coun Brian Taylor, also for Sunnyhurst, said: “I am very pleased about it. The reopening will add to Darwen’s booming nightlife.”