A DARWEN woman has launched a fundraising bid for Burnley General Hospital in remembrance to her unborn baby.

Assistant headteacher Joanne Edwards wants to open a second ‘Serenity’ suite in the Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre to ‘give comfort’ to sick pregnant women and parents who lose a child.

Unfortunately the existing suite was already being used when Joanne, who works at Sacred Heart Primary School in Colne, suffered a midterm miscarriage in March.

She will take part in a gruelling survival of the fittest challenge in Manchester on November 7 as part of her efforts to raise at least £10,000 to create the new room.

She and her husband Mark, 31, hope that fundraising will also help raise awareness of the rare chromosonal abnormality Patau Syndrome, also called Trisomy 13, which affects one in every 10,000 births.

Joanne, who lives in Jacks Key Drive, said: “Our baby’s death came as a real shock to us because we didn’t realise how poorly he was.

“Although the care we received was brilliant sadly we had to stay in a clinical room which just couldn’t provide us with as much comfort.

“We would like grieving families to be assured that they can have access to a serenity suite if their pregnancy doesn’t lead to the happy ending it should.

“We hope that fundraising will also raise awareness of the condition because many people like us don’t realise that it exists.

“So far we’ve received £2,600 and have set an aim of raising enough money by next March.

“I would also like to thank everyone that has supported us so far and encourage more people to support our charity.”

Head of Midwifery at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Anita Fleming said: “All the staff at the Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre would like to thank Joanne for her continued support.

“A second Serenity Suite will provide extra support for parents who sadly suffer the loss of a baby and the suite will be a valued facility.

“Good luck to Joanne and all her friends with their fundraising events.”

To donate to the good cause go to: www.gofundme.com/freinds-of-serenity.

For more information go to: www.facebook.com/hopeserenitytrisomy13awareness.