A 23-YEAR-OLD drunk had to be arrested after refusing to leave A&E, at the Royal Blackburn Hospital, where he was causing a disturbance.

Blackburn magistrates heard Ryan James Leech was behaving in a disruptive way, swearing at staff and patients.

Leech, of Portree Crescent, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly. He was given a conditional discharge for 24 months, and ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge.

The court heard Leech was in breach of two conditional discharges for being drunk and disorderly. But the chairman of the bench said their hands were tied on sentencing for the offence, which can only be dealt with by a fine, or conditional discharge.

“We can’t send you to prison, although it would be nice if we could,” said the chairman. “People go to A&E because they need treatment, and they don’t want to come across people like you.”

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said his client apologised for his behaviour.

“He is deeply ashamed that this has taken place in hospital.”