A BELOVED pet is recovering from surgery after being brutally attacked by a large Japanese Akita, in Frederick Row, Blackburn.

The nine-year-old terrier cross, called Sacha, was being walked by her owner’s best friend when the Akita attacked her from behind, sinking its teeth into the pet’s skin.

Sacha’s attacker is also thought to have savaged a Yorkshire Terrier, on December 6 last year, as reported by the Lancashire Telegraph.

Sacha’s owner John Lynch said: “Sacha has been nervous about going out since, and is really shaken by it.

“I’ve reported the incident to the police and the dog warden, but nothing has been done.

“Nobody even got back to me.

“These Akitas should be muzzled because they are dangerous.

“Poor Sacha was really badly hurt, and there was blood everywhere.

“If the Akita had attacked her from the front, she’d be dead now.”

John, who lives in Longton Street, said that he was landed with a large veterinary bill after Sacha needed stitches and surgery to rec-over from her wounds.

“I’m not after anyone to pay the vet bill for me. I’m not bothered about that.

“But something really needs to be done about these animals because if they are just left, things will just get worse.”

It is thought that the Akita managed to escape from its owner’s garden at the time of the attack.

Sacha was taken to Daisy Street Veterinary Centre, and was treated by David Higginson.

Head nurse at the centre, Caroline Ashworth said: “Sacha had lacerations all over the back of her body, and on her shoulder.

“Her skin had been bitten and then lifted, like it had been grabbed and lifted off the ground, so the skin was separated from her body across 50per cent of her chest.

“She was placed on antibiotics and pain killers for 10 days, and needed surgery to recover from these injuries.

“Thankfully, Sacha is recovering well.”

The incident is being investigated by the dog warden.