A FATHER-of-three subjected his wife to psychological torment leading her to suffer manic depression and attempt suicide, Burnley magistrates heard.

Mohammed Asif, 34, persisted in his abusive conduct over almost two years, threatening violence, intimidating and degrading her, throwing furniture and slamming doors.

The victim, who felt she had been forced into marriage with the defendant, had now split up with him and they were not reconciled.

Asif, of Waterbarn Street, Burnley, admitted harassment between January 2005 and November 2006.

He was bailed until January 10, for a pre-sentence report and the bench said they were thinking of the domestic violence programme to address his problems.

The defendant, who had no previous convictions, was ordered not to contact, follow or communicate with his estranged wife.

John Rusius, defending, said the case was sad and the marriage had not been happy from the start.

As far as the victim was concerned it was a forced marriage, the couple were in separate rooms when they were married and did not see each other for another year after that.

The pair probably both made efforts to make it a happy marriage but they became more and more intolerant of each other.

Mr Rusius said Asif had been in this country 14 years, had worked hard for his family and had always tried to provide a stable lifestyle for them.

The defendant had been shocked at the marriage split and was very sad to see the depths to which the relationship had sunk.

Mr Rusius added: "He perhaps now, late in the day, feels embarrassed and humiliated for what happened.

"He now appreciates what he doesn't have. He says he still loves his family and that he has three lovely children.

"He apologises and regrets what he has done."