THREE lone female drivers were verbally abused – and one was asked to hand over her car – by a gang of teenagers.

Police believe the same three boys struck within two hours in Fence on Monday night.

One of the drivers, a heavily-pregnant woman, had to speed off after she was flagged down and boys opened her car door.

The first incident happened at around 5.30pm when a 22-year-old woman was driving along Cuckstool Lane.

She was flagged down by three boys, one of whom was on a BMX bike, who began to shout abuse at her.

Around 50 minutes later, a second woman was also flagged down by three boys as she drove along Noggarth Road.

An hour later, at 7.20pm, it is believed the same three teenage boys gestured to a 28-year-old woman to slow down as she was driving on Harpers Lane.

The woman, who is heavily pregnant, stopped the car and one of the boys opened her door and began shouting at her while the other two stood in front of the car.

Detective Inspector Marie Haworth, said: “Thankfully, none of the women were injured. However they have all been left shaken by what has happened.”