A ‘SPEEDING’ drink driver who caught the attention of police had sparks flying from his wheel as his tyre was flat, a court was told.

Majid Baber, 34, was stopped, breath tested and gave a reading of 71 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35, Burnley magistrates heard.

Sales assistant Baber, of Manchester Road, Nelson, admitted driving with excess alcohol on Leach Street, Colne, on October 13.

He was fined £110, with £85 costs and a £20 victim surcharge. He was also banned for 18 months by the bench, who said his vehicle had been in quite a dangerous condition.

Rachel Griffiths, for Baber, said he had been socialising with his girlfriend and had had four shots of brandy.

Baber and his partner rowed and he made the decision to get behind the wheel. He was unaware he had a flat tyre.