POLITICS was on the agenda at a ‘European Day’ at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Blackburn.

Sajjad Karim MEP spoke to pupils about his role and answered questions about the European Parliament.

Later, he addressed the sixth form where he reinforced the need for today’s students to have the ability to speak at least one foreign language.

Head of modern languages Andy Rose said: “The rationale behind European Day was to provide pupils with an insight into how Europe and the idea of being European applies to them.

“We wanted to make pupils think about how Europe has an impact on their lives every day, and of their responsibilities as a citizen not only of their immediate world, but of the world around them.

“We provided pupils with interactive learning experiences and access to a speaker with European insight which provided the opportunity to ask questions about European issues. It certainly makes them realise the need to be able to communicate with others in their own language.”