A PAEDOPHILE who sexually attacked a schoolgirl and downloaded almost 700 child porn images from the internet has been jailed for 18 months.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Martin Calvert, now 31, had been interested in ‘very perverted’ pictures of young children being abused for some time.

Calvert had touched and committed a sex act on a girl when he was about 18 or 19 and acknowledged he struck several times.

The defendant later declared on Facebook: “Back then I had no control.”

Calvert was caught with 672 vile images.

The defendant, of Mary Street, Burnley, had admitted indecent assault about 12 years ago and eight allegations of making an indecent image of a child.

He was ordered to sign the Sexual Offenders' Register for 10 years and was given a sexual offences prevention order, banning him from having unsupervised contact or communication with children under 16.

The order also allows police to monitor Calvert's internet use. He will also be banned from working with children for life.

Lisa Worsley, prosecuting, said police found 525 indecent images at level one, 34 at level two, 41 at level three and 72 at level four.

Calvert said he had accessed pornography since he was 13, but moved from normal adult heterosexual porn to looking at young children.

Miss Worsley said when the defendant was arrested over the indecent assault, he gave a prepared statement, owning up. He had no previous convictions.

Richard Taylor, for Calvert, said he his life over the last few years had been empty and worthless. His behaviour had ruined his relationship.

He had demonstrated considerable, understanding and insight into his behaviour. He was keen to access treatment and intervention.