THESE pictures show work on the redevelopment of Blackburn town centre is now gathering pace.

On Friday work started on knocking down the Old Police House in King Street paving the way for the final phase of Blackburn’s orbital link road.

This week the diggers moved into the Boulevard in the town centre to clear the old bus station in preparation for the construction of the £28 million Cathedral Quarter.

The Old Police House demolition will take six weeks and along with the relocation of graves from old burial grounds will clear the way to link up Montague Street and the £12 million Wainwright ‘ Bridge to Nowhere’. The Boulevard work is expected to take 12 weeks as contractors take down the shelters down this week ahead of BT and other utilities diverting the services into the highway.

By February the main hoardings will go up so work can start on the Clergy Court, the Cathedral's new residential building which includes offices and a refectory open to the public.

It is also hoped the demolition of Jubilee House will start shortly. .

Safe walking routes for the public will be provided throughout the construction period Council regeneration boss Maureen Bateson said: “This marks the start of the long planned regeneration of the area. The preparation work is well under way ready for the beginning of the construction phase in the New Year.”