HOME builders in Rossendale need to work together to tackle the urgent need for affordable homes, according to a new report.

Rossendale Council's Affordable Housing Strategy outlines the problem, stating that more than 350 affordable homes are needed by 2010.

At the beginning of the year, Green Vale Homes was awarded a £670,000 grant from government agency The Housing Corporation to develop 20 flats for affordable rent in the Rawtenstall area.

Now the council is hoping for extra funds for 2008 to 2010 to develop more affordable housing.

The strategy aims to create 135 new units of affordable housing over the next two years.

It suggests the council uses new powers under the Housing Act 2004 to turn some of the 1,595 empty, privately-owned homes in the borough into affordable housing.

The report says rising house prices, coupled with more people buying former council homes under the Right to Buy Scheme, and little new building in the borough means many residents are finding it difficult to buy or even rent a property in the borough.

Recent house price figures suggested that the average house price in Rossendale was £124,104 - six times the average salary of £21,454.

This huge gap means many first time buyers cannot get onto the property ladder.

Housing research and strategy officer Gary Parsons said: "Many developers and even the public probably don't realise there is a lack of affordable homes in Rossendale - whether to buy or to rent."

Deputy council leader and regeneration portfolio holder Coun Bill Challinor added: "We are keen to work with developers to increase the numbers of such homes as part of their developments.

"We have a database of land available for development and our planning officers are happy to help developers with planning matters."

The council is also advised to set up a working group to monitor how it is tackling the issue of affordable housing.

To view a copy of the full strategy, visit www.rossendale.gov.uk, call 01706 238604 for a copy or call in at the council's One Stop Shop in Lord Street, Rawtenstall.