CONCERNED Ribble Valley residents will hold their own meeting before an official consultation on plans for the Lancashire Enterprise Park at Samlesbury and linked major road changes because of ‘lack of information’.

They claim the borough council has not properly notified them of the ambitious industrial and transport plans.

Lancashire County Council and BAE Systems are well-advanced with plans for a world-class business and training complex on vacant land at the company’s airfield and factory.

Almost 20 businesses from the automotive, aerospace, energy and logistics sectors have expressed interest in moving to the enterprise park.

The county council last month revealed an £150 million East Lancashire transport masterplan with draft proposals to widen the M65 to three lanes throughout from Clayton Brook to Blackburn and improve the A671/A6068 between Whalley and junction 8 of the M65 .

It is also looking to upgrade main routes in the Ribble Valley as part of major highways changes in the Cuerden/ Whitebirk/Samlesbury growth area.

South Ribble and Ribble Valley councils have called a public consult-ation at the Canberra Club at BAE Systems Samlesbury site at 7pm on Tuesday, November 12, when all main players will be present.

Local people are so worried they are to hold their own meeting eight days earlier at the Windmill Hotel on Preston New Road in Mellor Brook at 7pm.

Co-organiser Maria Morton said: “We are very concerned and want as many people as possible to attend both meetings.

“We need our own one first so local people know what is happening.

“Ribble Valley council hasn’t sent out letters about this or notified us what is going on.

“Residents have had to find out for themselves. There has been a real lack of information.

“South Ribble sent out letters and leaflets to its residents but we in Ribble Valley have received nothing.

“The enterprise park and transport changes will have a massive impact on our homes and roads.”

A Ribble Valley council spokeswoman said: “We are holding a meeting.

“South Ribble is the principal planning auth-ority concerned.

“Only a small part of the enterprise park plan is in our borough.”