CAMPAIGNERS were in Accrington town centre on Saturday handing out leaflets and speaking to residents.

Volunteers for Campaign for Accrington Town Centre Hearts (CATCH) were dressed in branded clothing and high visibility jackets between 10am and 2pm as they chatted to weekend shoppers.

The campaign was launched to help improve Accrington’s town centre, and the group has spoken to retailers like Next, Starbucks and the Arcadia Group.

CATCH founder, Mark Brown, said: “I have been concentrating my efforts on engaging directly by phone and e-mail with national retailers and their marketing companies to big up and sell the merits of Accrington as a retain destination.

“This is very much an ongoing and daily task, and one that I’m confident will reap rewards going forward.”

CATCH’s website has had 16,000 hits so far this month, and the Facebook profile has nearly 600 ‘friends’.

More volunteers are wanted to help boost trade in Accrington, and the group is looking at the possibility of become a listed charity.