DARWEN smartmeter firm Bglobal has announced chief financial officer Nick Kennedy has been sacked.

It comes after company chairman Peter Kennedy, Mr Kennedy’s dad, was removed from his position after a boardroom row in August.

As reported in the Lancashire Telegraph, shareholders Hawkwood Capital forced a general meeting to have Mr Kennedy removed after becoming unhappy with the Commercial Road firm’s performance on the stock market.

Following the move, an internal inquiry was launched and, in a statement, the firm said: “Further to the announcement that the board of Bglobal plc was investigating the conduct of Nick Kennedy, the board announces that the investigation has concluded and Mr Kennedy has been dismissed from office with immediate effect.”

The firm, which manufactures the devices that measure electricity usage and submit the readings directly to the supplier, removing the need for estimated bills, was hit by a delay in the nationwide roll-out of the devices.

Since then, it has amended its business strategy, shifting the focus from manufacturing to providing software and services.