A CROOK who tried to kick in a family’s door as two children were having a bedtime story, later walked in and tried to take their television, a court heard.

Matthew Bell, 29, claimed he had paid money for the TV and was entitled to it.

Bell, who had made threats of violence to his victims, left them traumatised, Burnley Crown Court was told.

Bell, of Colne Road, Burnley, who has 45 offences on his record, but none for burglary, admitted burglary and was jailed for 12 months.

Paul Hodgkinson, prosecuting, said on September 8, at about 8.15pm, the father heard knocking and banging and thought the door of his Burnley home was going to be smashed in.

He looked out of his window, saw the defendant, who he recognised but had had no dealings with, and went to try and calm the situation down.

The victim kept asking what was going on, but the defendant didn't give an lucid answer.

Bell told the victim: “Get your mate and I will have you a do, right now. If your girlfriend rings the police, see what happens.”

When police arrived, Bell who was in the house as a trespasser, picked up the TV and was in the process of walking out with it. Elizabeth Nicholls, for Bell, said he did not expect anybody to be at the address, apart from the man.

She said: “The defendant's attendance was because he believed he was entitled to a television and that he had paid the money for that television.”