A NEW mum said her first experience of giving birth was tainted by the ‘poor care’ she received at Burnley General Hospital.

Chloe Anderson, from Burnley, claimed she was forced to wait several hours for a paracetamol, was left lying in blood-covered sheets for three days, and had her discharge documents given to another patient.

The 20-year-old gave birth to son Harry on Sunday, October 13, with a forceps delivery.

She said she was in ‘agony’ after being in theatre and requested some painkillers, but claimed she was left waiting seven hours before a nurse brought her some tablets.

Meanwhile, her bed sheets were left blood-stained from Monday until Thursday, when they were changed on the morning she left, she said.

When she returned to her home in Deerstone Avenue, Chloe received a call from another mum who said she had been given her discharge papers by mistake.

The papers included a Sure Start form, relating to child care, which had her bank details on it. She has since recovered the papers which were returned to the hospital.

But Chloe said: “It’s just not good enough, especially with the other things that happened.

“We were meant to be in the hands of professionals and you’re supposed to get the best possible care.

“Things were really poor for the whole week that I was there and it ruined the whole experience.”

Anita Fleming, head of nursing and midwifery at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We are aware of the incident with the paperwork and this has now been addressed, but we are not aware of any complaints from Chloe Anderson.

“The care and safety of our patients is our overriding priority and we take any concerns regarding clinical care very seriously.

“If Ms Anderson does have any issues she is concerned about then I’d advise her to contact us so that we can meet with her and discuss them more fully.”