POLICE called to a large-scale disturbance outside a Darwen nightclub saw a 23-year-old man hitting another man with a crutch, a court was told.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Karl John Wane was also seen to repeatedly punch another man during the fracas outside the Roxy in Market Street.

Wane, of Hazel Avenue, admitted affray and was remanded on bail for the preparation of pre-sentence reports.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said 10 people were arrested following the disturbance in the early hours.

Closed-circuit TV footage showed a large group of people milling around outside the club at 2.15am and four Asian men walked into the group. Words were exchanged and fighting broke out.

"The crutch can be seen being used as a weapon and when police arrived they saw Wane hit one of the other men with the crutch," said Miss Allan.

"He was also seen to approach an unknown male and punch him repeatedly about the head and body."

Rachel Adamson, defending, said Wane had not been responsible for starting the disturbance.