DARWEN MP Jake Berry has listed the 18 streets in the town where residents want a 20mph limit as he presses political leaders to bring in a blanket lower residential speed restriction.

More than 100 people responded to a consultation on the issue and everyone called for action.

Mr Berry believes this is further evidence of why Blackburn with Darwen Council should respond to the Lancashire Telegraph’s ‘Slower Speeds, Safer Children’ campaign and bring in a 20mph limit to all residential streets.

Mr Berry said: “I was approached by a group of mums from the Whitehall area in Darwen who wanted to see 20mph areas introduced to help make its roads safer. I know this is something the local council are looking at, so I wanted to do what I could to help.

“There is compelling evidence from across the country that shows 20mph speed limits cut road accident casualties and I hope that the council will give serious consideration to the residents plea.”

Hairdresser Sharon Aspden, a mother-of-two from Devon Street, took up the issue after visiting Jake’s constituency surgery to discuss road safety.

She said: “I am fully behind this campaign. The road safety of our children is vital.

“I helped do the survey and everyone I spoke to wants the 20mph limit in residential areas.

“I am pleased the council is looking at the issue and piloting a 20mph zone in Mill Hill, but we want to see them act on this across Darwen and the borough.”

The roads where local residents asked for a 20mph zone are: Duxbury Street, Westmorland Close, Devon Street, Park Road, Dewhurst Street, Waterfield Avenue, Maria Street, Ross Street, Cyprus Street, Bolton Road, Alfred Street, Epworth Street, Cumberland Close off Cranberry Lane, Northumberland Close, Spring Vale, Ivy Terrace, Ellen Street, and Mossview in Bull Hill.

Council leader Kate Hollern said: “We are doing a lot to improve road safety in the borough.

“We have had the lowest accident figures ever for last year but we are not being complacent.

“I would suggest Mr Berry takes his case to his own government who could roll out 20mph zones across the country, and ensure that they can be properly funded.”