ANTI-SOCIAL trick or treating and firework misuse are being targeted as part of a week-long police crackdown, starting today.

Police will patrol hotspots and seize fireworks used illegally.

They will also be carrying out test purchases at fireworks retailers.

In the past year, incidents of anti-social behaviour in Lancashire have decreased by 8.6 per cent, police said.

This equates to 7,431 fewer incidents – from 86,155 to 78,724 between April 2012 and March 2013 compared to the same period the previous year.

Chief Supt Richard Debicki said: “We have seen a 25 per cent reduction in anti-social behaviour in Lancashire since 2009/2010. Tackling anti-social behaviour remains a priority for Lancashire Constabulary.

“Anti-social behaviour increases in the days around Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night.

“Some people can be left feeling vulnerable and worried because of uninvited trick or treating or firework misuse.

“We take reports of anti-social behaviour very seriously and anyone suffering should contact us.

“Those that choose to go trick or treating should also be aware that not everyone wants to take part. If behaviour falls short of what is expected and is anti-social, we will take action. “In short, have fun but don’t make life difficult for others.”

Chief Inspector Julian Platt will host a web chat on the Lancashire Police Facebook page on Thursday, from 2pm to 3pm.

Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw said: “I know how much misery anti-social behaviour can cause, which is why I have made addressing it a key priority.

“While I am committed to ensuring that continues year-round, special initiatives such as this have a vital role to play at certain times of year.

“Everyone should be free to enjoy Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night, but not at the expense of other residents in their communities.”

Contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.