A SERIAL ‘wife beater’ who stabbed his partner in the throat with a shard of glass from a smashed mirror has been jailed.

Drunken Wade Robinson, 28, and victim Alexandra Hill, his girlfriend of two years, were both covered in blood after the attack.

Robinson later said to police: “How am I going to get off with this attempted murder? I didn’t want to kill her. I loved her. I thought she was going to die and I tried to kill myself,” Burnley Crown Court heard.

Young mum Ms Hill needed seven stitches, suffered a suspected broken nose, and was found to have bruises and lacerations to her face and body.

Dad-of-three Robinson had been violent to previous partners, and the probation service assessed him as dangerous.

Ms Hill, who would not co-operate with the prosecution, wrote a letter to the court which said: “He would never do anything like this. I do not for one moment think he has done this”, which Judge Beverley Lunt described as “stupid”. Robinson, of Hebrew Street, Burnley, had admitted wounding.

Elizabeth Nicholls, prosecuting, said just before 8am on June 16, police received a call from a woman saying she had seen the defendant in Camp Street, Burnley, with blood on him. Ms Hill came out of a house, and said Robinson had stabbed her.

Inside the house, police found a broken bedroom mirror. Robinson said they had argued, he had punched a mirror, taken a piece of glass and then stabbed her.

At the police station, he said: “I am guilty as charged, whatever she says, I did.

“Something happened and I have done it.”

The prosecutor told the court Ms Hill would say she had never been as happy in her life as she was with Robinson.

Mark Stuart, for Robinson, said: “This defendant is very, very sorry for what happened. He showed that remorse immediately thereafter.”

Sentencing Robinson to a year in jail, Judge Lunt told him: “Your problem is when you have takenalcohol you are extremely violent.”