THE grandmother of a teenager who died from leukaemia after losing his closest family in a house fire broke her silence over the tragedy at his funeral.

June Khanan and her son Barry were among more than 200 mourners who attended the funeral of 17-year-old Adam Riaz, who lost his battle with cancer on Monday.

Mrs Khanan explained how Adam appeared to lose the will to live following the deaths of his mother and four sisters, who were killed in a blaze at their home in Tremellen Street, Accrington, on November 1.

Adam had been admitted for treatment at The Christie Hospital, Manchester, on the night of the fire and was the sole surviving member of the Riaz family.

Mrs Khanan, who lives in Accrington but has been staying with relatives in Bolton since the blaze, said: "His family meant the world to him and he was devastated by what happened to them. Adam had already been through such a lot with his illness and then losing his family took a lot out of him. After the fire he went very quiet, all he wanted was his mum.

"He took a turn for the worse two weeks ago. All of his fight had gone."

Mrs Khanan added: "It is absolutely horrendous what has happened to my family, but the turnout today, especially the large number of his friends has been comforting. His friends meant so much to him."

A service was held at Raza Jamia mosque in Grimshaw Street yesterday, before funeral cars bearing Adam's coffin proceeded to Accrington cemetery.

Adam was buried alongside his mother Caneze, 39, and sisters Sayrah, 16, Sophia, 12, Alicia, 10 and Hannah, three. Adam's father, Mohammed, who police believe started the blaze, also died following the fire and was buried last month in Pakistan.

Two friends placed the first handfuls of earth on to Adam's coffin before family members stepped forward.

Friends heaped flowers on the grave, which had two wreaths reading Adam' and grandson' placed alongside it. Floral tributes in the shape of guitars were also set down and friends placed plectrums on the arrangements.

One moving tribute read: "Adam, you brought light and love into the lives of everyone who knew you - I will hold that in my heart and mind forever."

Friend Kirsty McNulty, who had travelled from Sheffield to attend, said: "He had a brilliant smile, everyone loved him so much."

Childhood friend Zayn Sheikh, 15, added: "He was always positive and looked towards the future. I will really miss him."

An inquest into the deaths of the Riaz family has been opened and adjourned until February.